Veneers are a thin layer of material that sits on the front surface of the tooth to change it’s appearance. They can be used to improve the appearance of the teeth including colour, shape and position by coating the surface in a thin layer of porcelain or composite.
Porcelain veneers are prepared and fitted over two appointments, they are more robust, have a high lustre and require less maintenance however they may still chip or break with certain habits such as a heavy bite, fingernail biting and grinding.
Composite veneers are more cost effective and can be completed in a single appointment (depending on the number of teeth), they are colour matched to each patient’s needs using several shades of composite material for a great aesthetic result. This material requires some maintenance and polishing and is slightly more prone to chipping than porcelain.
To find out whether veneers are suitable for you feel free to make an appointment with us on (02) 4324 1181.